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How to find the right exercise for you

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Step 1 – Exercise for nourishment, not punishment

When we focus on the aesthetics of exercise such as weight loss, or calorie burning, it takes us away from how exercise makes us feel. It also gives us a negative relationship to it from the get-go, which makes it harder for us to engage in it. When we choose to exercise for nourishment, rather than punishment, it gives us a much more positive relationship to it, which makes us more likely to want to do it and stick with it.

Takeaway- Focus on how exercise makes you feel, not for how it makes you look. Know it’s OK to not exercise if you don’t feel like it, and choose the exercise that you want to do, not that you think you should do.

Step 2. Do what works for you only.

Finding the right exercise for you is choosing to move in a way that works for you, and for your lifestyle only. This is the time to look within, get clear and honest with yourself, and tune out any external messages of what you should be doing. Only you know what exercise you like and how it can fit into your lifestyle, so choose what works for you, and you only.

Takeaway- Grab a pen and jot down the type, frequency, intensity, and duration of exercise that you not only like, but one that fits with your lifestyle

Here are some questions to help you

What exercise do you enjoy?

Do you like to exercise by yourself? Indoors/ outdoors? In a community environment with equipment/ without equipment? At home? In front of the TV/ laptop? Team/ competitive sports?

Do you like something more intense or something gentle? Or a mix of everything?

How long do you like to exercise for & how many days realistically can you fit in your lifestyle? (every week/day is going to be different, and it’s OK to not exercise if you don’t want to, and if you don’t feel like it, and it is also OK to stop any workout you aren’t feeling or enjoying)

STEP 3- Tune into how your body is feeling before you exercise

Before each exercise session, check in with your body and ask yourself.

How am I feeling today?
How does my body feel?
What is it that I feel like doing today if anything?

When choosing your exercise, tune into how you want to feel during and after.

For example, do you want to feel more relaxed? Then a stretch routine might suit you.

Do you want your heart to be pounding? Then something more intense might be what you are after.

Do you just want to have a bit of fun? Then a dance party in the kitchen could be fitting.

Takeaway- Being aware of how your body feels means that you can be more aware of your body's needs and reconnect with yourself through exercise.

Final takeaways

The best type of exercise for you is the one you enjoy the most and that fits in with your lifestyle.

You are the expert of your body, trust your body to guide you.

And remember, it’s you who gets to decide. Not a Fitbit, apple watch, fitness influencer or family member. You have the right to move your body in any way you want, at any time, and that also might mean not choosing to move at all.